The quality of a house construction is also linked to the quality of the appropriate financing. Additional financing to the original construction financing, for example, is sometimes necessary if the financing framework is insufficient or unforeseen additional costs arise. It is usually a little more expensive than the original financing or it is not always granted by the financing bank because the client's financial framework has already been exhausted. That's why it's important to define the financing framework precisely from the start, meaning: your money should be enough to purchase the house, the property and all additional costs.
As a customer of Town & Country Haus, you are completely protected even in such a case. There is no additional financing because your entire financing is checked in detail by the Schutzgemeinschaft für Baufinanzenden eV for completeness and accuracy. If the protection association confirms the completeness and accuracy of the financing of your construction project, you will receive a certificate of this. With this certificate from the Protection Association for Building Financiers eV, we grant a guarantee of EUR 15,000.00. This will cover costs of up to EUR 15,000.00 if something unforeseen does need to be refinanced.
You will receive a money-back guarantee from us until the building application is issued, which assures you of the following: If you receive a house offer of the same design, of the same quality and with the same security deposits in the Federal Republic of Germany at a lower price from another provider ( excluded Town & Country Partner), you can withdraw from the contract easily and free of charge.
We are bound to the flat rate price for your Town & Country house for 14 months from the conclusion of the contract. So you don't have to worry about price increases in material and labor costs. It is reassuring for you and for us a matter of course that you can build your house within a year at exactly the price you planned with us.
A property may have geological peculiarities in the soil conditions that are not immediately recognizable, but which can certainly cause costs for development. That's why your Town & Country construction contract already includes a subsoil report. This means you are safe from possible surprises.
All construction and assembly guidelines for our Town & Country houses have been tested and approved by TÜV in accordance with the recognized rules of technology.
Your dreams, wishes and design suggestions are in good hands with us - because we have developed special planning software for this. With it you can actively and individually design your dream house on the computer and examine the result immediately. All of our houses can be realized in several hundred variants according to your ideas.
As already said: A good house requires good financing. The security you get at Town & Country is also security for every bank. Your advantage: Your financing will be processed competently, quickly and easily by the Town & Country financing service. You also usually get better financing conditions from us.
A comparison is worth it. Please consider: A saving of just EUR 80 per month is almost EUR 10,000 in 10 years. So: Simply fill out the self-disclosure form and your Town & Country advisor will work for you.
(1) For turnkey construction